Best Retail Media
Consultants In India

Get in Touch

We enable retailers
& ecom stores to
access new revenues

Endemic Ads

We help you unlock marketing spends from brands that sell their products on your sites/store.

Non Endemic Ads

We help you add revenue from brands that do not sell on your site or store.

Why Retail Media

We Craft solutions
for retailers & ecommerce platforms

Customer Insights

With retail media, you get better insights about your customers which you can share with your partner brands..

Move Stock

A retailer who wants to move his stock can spend money to boost their listing and hence move stock quickly.

Monetize Search

Every search keyword is a personalized data point. With retail media, you can monetize your search and deliver more.

High Margin

With less fees & cost involved, retail media is a high margin vertical with increasing returns.

New Revenues

Retail media offers you new & unexplored revenues which can act as a good cash flow generator.

Better Promotions

With retail media, you can run your promotions better and offer your customers the right deals.

Better Results

With better targeting, retail media can help you & your partner get better campaign results.

Bring Customers

With retail media, you can bring in more customer and create a never ending cycle of lookalike audiences.


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us quickly

About Us

We are a bunch of advertising & technology enthusiasts working to bring cutting edge retail solutions to retailers.
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We understand your business
Our retai media strategy & solutions will increase your revenues and act as a multiplier.

Who We Are

With over 50 years of combined experience, we are a couple of veterans of advertising & adtech world.
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Low cost, more returns
With justified cost, we give your crazy output. We act as enabler to boost your media & audiences.
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Endemic & Non Endemic
We believe that apart from the brands that sell on your platform, other brands should also market.

Why Us

Our wide experience of working with industry leading publishers & retailers give us the understanding of both worlds and apply it to retail.
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Result oriented
With our eyes set on the result, we start building the right stack for you.

Our Goal

Is to enabled retail media on as many retailers as we can.